Day 1 for the Waves, H16 Youth, H17 and H18
What a challenging day it was today for the start of Mini-Mega Part 2 – the Waves, H16 Youth, H17 and H18s. The day started early with rain and storms forecast all day including imbedded thunderstorms. We were looking to get a couple of races off before the ugly stuff was to come in. We had a bit of a late start waiting for the wind to fill and settle in. The wind was forecast to be from the SSE but it came in from 050 and promptly shifted to 080. We got the course set for the 080 and go the H17s off on a course 1 in the rain and shifty breeze. Just as the H18s were starting the wind backed to 060 so we postponed, reset the line and got it going again. The wind was still backing so after the H18 start we reset the line again for the Waves and H16Ys. We sent the Waves and H16Y on their way to the original marks and set the outside change mark for the new backed direction of 050 and. Well, by the time the Waves and H16Y got to their weather marks and after the H17s and H18s were on their way back to the new weather mark after a very nice Charlie at the gate, the wind started its march to the right. We changed the H17 and H18s but not the Waves and H16Y. By the end of the H16Y the wind had moved to the south at 165 giving them a bit of a reaching finish.
We had a short delay as we reset the course to the new direction and sent them all on a course one. The wind stayed pretty steady from the 165 direction but was up and down as the rain cells moved through. By the time we were done we were all soaked to the bone and cold and since the plan was for 2 races we called it a day. Forecast for the rest of the week is encouraging; warmer, sunnier and maybe some more breeze.
In the H17s we have Dan Borg (6), Greg Raybon (6) and Bill Kast (10)…In the H18s we have Jim and Barbie Doty (3), Ken Marshack and Valerie Pioszak (4) and Christina Bradshaw and Nancy Kornblum (5)…In the Waves we have Jim Glanden (3), Tyler Myers (4) and Doctor Bill Whalen (5)…H16Y we have Kat Porter (3) and Ryan Froeb, Tom Butler and Maddy Santorelli (5) (yes, my daughter) and Kevin and Nayarid Ramirez (10).
Day 2 for Mini-Mega Part 2
Today saw the wind fill in very nicely from the North at 8-12 knots gusting to 15. This was not forecast but very accommodating. After our morning RC Team and competitor debrief we were back on the water. The course was set with the outside weather mark at 0.90nm at 000 degrees and the inside mark set at 0.65 nm with the reaching mark set up high. We started on time with all classes sailing a course 1 and the Waves on their course 1W. Races were a bit short and the H17s were mixing it up with the other classes so we decided to put an extra minute in between the H17s and H18s for race 4 of the series. We decided to change up the order with the H17s first then the H18s, followed by the H16s and the Waves bringing up the rear. We also stretched the weather leg out to 1.0nm and 0.75 for the Waves.
Race 4 was beautiful in both time and keeping the fleets separated. The sun started to come out and we were not sure what effect that was going to have on the conditions. We had a number of over early competitors with the current running out of the bay to the North but most offenders came back and restarted. We also had a fair number of competitors find themselves behind the Signal Boat and with the current they were unable to hold their position and avoid running over the barging buoy. Our Sailing Instructions are silent on the barging buoy so it is to be consider part of the Signal Boat and not all offenders did their penalty turns.
Race 5 saw the wind start as the previous two but we could feel it starting to back down. By the time the Waves were started (the final start in the sequence) the wind was dropping out. Watching the fleets struggle with the dying breeze was painful and we were getting close to time limit on a number of them. The H17s made it to the finish line and so did the H18s even though it was obviously painful. The Waves were finished at the gate and the H16Y were finished at their second weather mark rounding. Only 4 H16Y finished before we finished the other 6 on the course. There has been some lively discussion regarding the scores we awarded to the on the course finishers and we will have a little chalk talk about that this morning. It is possible we got a couple wrong and we are going to give the competitors a chance to explain why they see it differently. The Sailing Instructions do not allow for a competitor to request redress for the points we award for a FOC (finish on course) but maybe it should since our vantage point is not always the best.
Anyway, the racing was completed after race 5 with an AP over A flown on the beach. It was an early end to a rather nice day. Once back on the beach the competitors were treated to an ice cream truck at the club with the Youth all getting free ice cream and then burgers, dogs and salads before we all headed over to the SeaStreak ferry for our evening ride up into New York Harbor. The ferry driver recognized our group on the boat and actually altered his course to bring us further into the harbor to get us an up close and personal look at the Statue of Liberty, something I have not seen them do in the last couple times we did this. It was a beautiful evening and everyone seemed thrilled by the views.
Today’s forecast is not so good. Looking at a very light Northerly with an outgoing current most of the day so hopefully we can get a couple races in so the Youth and Waves can have at it on their last day. Well, time to head over to the club. Signal Boat out!
Day 3 for Mini-Mega Part 2
Patience is a virtue and it paid today. We sat for a while longer and around 1400 the wind was filling in from 1.5nm up the course and we knew it was time to start. We lowered AP on the beach and set up the course with the wind out of the SSE at 9-11 knots and the weather mark set at 0.8nm. Our location on the bay in reference to the beach and the wind direction gave the competitors a sweet reach out to the course.
We were able to run (2) lovely course ones in a beautiful breeze on super flat water during slack tide…what more could you ask for. After the first race the wind shifted right to about 150-160 degrees and we reset for the second race. This is Wednesday, on Wednesday the Atlantic Highlands Yacht Club has a Wednesday night series…and, our weather mark boat is their RC boat and our signal boat wanted to race so we had to do some fancy footwork…the pin boat becomes the finish boat, the weather mark leaves weather2 in charge and with the signal boat heads into marina to change crew.
It was great after racing…back on the beach the kids and Wave sailors were trading stories, helping put each other’s boats away and just having a real Hobie time. Dinner tonight at the final party for the H16Y and Waves and the Mid-week party for the H17 and H18s was provided by a local BBQ place and it was AWESOME! After dinner the raffle was run with some great prizes and with many competitors being repeat winners.
Onto trophies…the Waves saw Jim Glanden edge out Tyler Myers by one point and Kat Porter successfully defend her North American Championship sailing with a new crew Ryan Froeb followed by Tom Butler and Maddy Santorelli (sailing her 2nd ever regatta) in second.
Two more days of running races as the H17 and H18s continue…Signal Boat Out!
Results for Hobie Wave and Hobie 16 Youth
Results for Hobie 17 and Hobie 18

Day 4 for Mini-Mega Part 2
Very little breeze with a forecasted afternoon sea breeze. Therefore we have again raised and AP over a numeral 2 so the first shape is postponed until 1300. This turned out to be an excellent decision for the day could not have been better…after flying AP over 2 on the beach we were on the water at 1200 for the new 1300 start. Wind was a bit out of the east when we left the harbor but once out on station the wind had clocked to the SE in the 6-10 knot range. We got the course set and had an on time start. Funny thing, 4 boats got out pretty early and sailed upwind, WAY upwind, and did not make it back to the start in time – OCS!
We had some great racing and some great work from the RC Team. Every race we had to reset to a new course axis and we moved the weather mark out further 2 of the 3 times for the 4 races held today. Wind held steady in velocity at about 8-12 knots and it did it clockwise shift from 135 to 160 to 170. The races were very competitive .
Day 5 for Mini-Mega Part 2
It is in the books…H16 Women and Hobie 14, 11 races in 3 days; Hobie 16 Youth and Wave, 7 races in 3 days and the Hobie 17 and 18, 11 races in 5 days. It was an exciting event, lots of close competition, beautiful weather, wind every day and racing every day. Tonight was the 3rd awards ceremony we went through and it was suggested by Lynn Myers that we do the second 3 day event over the last 3 days of the 5 day event so the final parties line up together at the end.
We had 4 races today starting on time at 11 am and finishing up around 1445. There was some excitement as I described in an earlier post and the positions shuffled a bit. The final banquet was hosted by the Shore Casino and we all enjoyed some appetizers, drinks and a fine chicken or filet of sole dinner…yummmmm….
Well, it has been a long time of planning and now seeing it through to the end but Mini-Mega 2017 is done…I am done writing…it was a huge success and thank you to all the volunteers that made it happen…see you on the next pond, where ever that may be…
Signal Boat out…
Results for Hobie 17 and Hobie 18