Hobie Raid 2021 Pescara, Hobie Fleet 808

Hobie 16 Raid Pescara 2021

HOBIE FLEET 808 WAY OF LIFE NUMBER ONE! For the Hobie catters of the Pescara 808 fleet, it is one of the most awaited events. The raid is always perceived as a social and pleasant race. Moving on to more playful than competitive activities, everyone wants to camp on the tents mounted directly on the […]

Hobie 16 South African Championships 2021/22

2021/21 South African Hobie 16 Championships poster

The Hobie 16 South African Championships will be held 28 April to 1st May 2022 Langebaan, Western Cape. Membership Requirements In order to participate in this event, you will need to be a paid up member of your regional Hobie class association as well as South African Sailing SAS Accommodation Options Friday Island – Contact […]

Beretning 333 Cup 12.-13. juni 2021

Forventningsfulde pakkede vi torsdag tre både i Fleet 815 i Skovshoved og drog mod Fyn for at deltage i det legendariske 333 Cup, som i 2021 blev afholdt i den øverste del af Odense Fjord, tæt på Enebærodden, som gav bølgelæ og dermed relativt fladt vand til trods for den friske til hårde nordvestlige vind […]

Aktuelle ranglister

Danish Hobie Class Association logo

Efter Sejlklubben Egensedybets succesfulde afvikling af “333 Cup 2021” foreligger der nu opdaterede ranglister. Næste ranglistestævne er “Niendorf CatCup” 3.-4. juli. Det er samtidigt sidste ranglistestævne, som kan nå at tælle med i udtagelsen til de forkvalificerede spots til HC16 EM i Spanien i september. Klik her for flere detaljer samt tilmelding. /eo

Savills Channel Islands Hobie Cat Championships

Hobie Channel Islands banner

This year is a special one as it’s the 30th Anniversary and a large turnout of around 30 Hobie Cats are expected to compete in three Hobie classes, the Hobie 18’s, Wildcats and Tigers. Hobie 16’s and Juniors racing Hobie Dragoons. There are also trophies for Youth, Women’s and Masters in the Hobie 16 class. […]

Hobie Cat Raid from Hobie Fleet 808 Pescara

Hobie 16 Hobie Raid Italy

For the Hobie Catters of the Pescara 808 fleet, it is one of the most awaited events. The raid is always perceived as an aggregative, social and pleasant fact. Moving on to more playful than competitive activities, everyone wants to camp on tents mounted directly on Hobies with cats by the sea in total peace, […]

333 Cup 2021

Så kom 333 Cup 2021 til vejs ende……. og det under gode animerede vindforhold! ? Stævneberetning og flere fotos følger i de kommende dage. Podiet kom til at se ud, som følger (fra venstre): 2. Emma Chandler Hansen/Mikkel Stampe. 1. Michelle Jensen/Nicolaj Bjørnholt.  3. Mia Chandler Hansen/Peter Måhr. 4. Pauline Jupin/Anders Graversen (bedste HC16 Classic). […]

2021 Hobie 16 North America Championships

Hobie 16 North American Championships Day 5

The 2021 Hobie 16 North America Championships is being conducted by the Ocean Springs Yacht Club: June 5 to 11, 2021. Entries were down slightly due to the travel restrictions and the friends from Canada unable to attend. Though 45 Hobie 16 teams lined up to join the Hobie fun. Being a qualifier for the […]

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