2021 Jersey Clipper Bursary Application now open

RCIYC Hobie Dragoon Youth winners


APPLICANTS of all ages are invited to apply for the 2021 Jersey Clipper Bursary – a £1,000 cash award aimed at furthering maritime endeavour.

The bursary is designed to assist an Islander of any age to achieve a particular nautical ambition. This could, for example, be a trip on a tall ship, attending a training course, participating in a watersports competition or competing in an ocean race – anything with a maritime theme.
The annual award, a legacy from the three Jersey campaigns in the Clipper Round-the-World Race, was established 15 years ago through the generosity of Dandara, Les Pas Holdings and UBS.

Further funding to ensure the future of the award has recently been provided by UBS, enabling the trustees to increase the main bursary to £1,000 and offer a runner’s-up award of £500.

The winner will follow in the wake of last year’s winner, Laser dinghy sailor Will Dengate, who hopes one day to represent Great Britain in the European and World championships,

Will had planned to use the bursary award to fund training trips in the UK but Covid-19 put paid to his travel plans. Instead he used the money to buy new sails for his Laser and concentrated on local races, a move that proved successful as he won trophies in both the Logicalis Gorey Regatta and the Carey Olsen Jersey Regatta.

The 14-year-old has also been recently received the Cadet of the Year award (jointly with Luke Garnier) from the Royal Channel Islands Yacht Club.

Last year’s runner’s up award of £500 went to university student Lizzie Ellison to help her gain the Royal Yachting Association’s Yachtmaster qualification, She has since completed and passed the theory course but due to the pandemic will not be able to take the practical exam until later this year.

The deadline for submitting written applications for this year’s Jersey Clipper Bursary is the end of April 2021. They should be no more than 200 words in length and should be emailed to philipjeune@gmail.com.

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