2024 Hobie Cat MultiEuropeans – Hobie16 Qualifying Series are in the bag

Hc16 Gold Fleet Sails

53 teams from 3 different continents have sailed in perfect windy conditions 8 races in front of Campione on Lake Garda. On the first day, the South wind called Ora delivered nice 17-20knots of breeze which allowed to sail the maximum of 5 races and on the second race day another 3 races got completed […]

2024 Hobie Cat MultiEuropeans – Pre-Series completed

24 Hc Me Hc14 Podium

The first part of the event took place under very varied conditions with everything from no wind up to a gusty breeze around 25 knots or so. Quite challenging. The Hobie Dragoons have sailed 11 races, and the podium is 100% Italian. First place went to Spalloni Elena and Francesco Tisena with 23 points. Second […]

Postponement Announcement: Hobie Multi Europeans in Spain shift to 2021

The Organization Authority, represented by Pep Subirats, in agreement with the EHCA Executives, and Mr. JuanAntonio Llabrés, HC Spanish Class President, considering the global pandemia Covid-19, has decided to move the Hobie Multi Europeans Championship, planned for 27 June to 5 July 2020, to the next year, 1-9 July 2021 in Club de la Ballena Alegra, […]

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