Comment period results: Hobie 14 rule 3.4, 3.5, new 5.1 d) and new Hobie 16 rule 6.1 d) change proposals

Dear class members,
The comment period on the Hobie 14 rule 3.4, 3.5, new 5.1 d) and new Hobie 16 rule 6.1 d) change proposals was launched October 10th, 2024, and with deadline November 10th, 2024.

HC 16 Rule 6.1 d (62 members voted)
YES: 53,2
NO: 32,3%
ABSTAIN: 14,5%

HC 14 Rule 3.4 a) and b) (62 members voted)
YES: 46,8%
NO: 30,6%
ABSTAIN: 22,6%

HC 14 Rule 3.5 (62 members voted)
YES: 62,9%
NO: 19,4%
ABSTAIN: 17,7%

HC 14 Rule 5.1 d (62 members voted)
YES: 51,6%
NO: 33,9%
ABSTAIN: 14,5%

Click here for the full text of the proposals.

Click here for the comment document.

The IHCA appreciates all the members that took the time to vote as their votes and comments produce important and constructive feedback. This for the Rules Committee process when preparing recommendations on the class rule change proposals to the IHCA Council. But also, for the IHCA Council when making the final decision on whether a change proposal should be approved or not.
The Rules Committee has decided to defer the HC14 Rule 5.1 d) and HC16 Rule 6.1 d) proposals for further consideration. This decision is based on the received comments.

The rule change process for HC14 Rule 3.4 a) and b) and HC14 Rule 3.5 will continue as planned. However, we are aware of the challenges related to the current and new HC14 Rules 3.4 and 3.5.
The Rules Committee will prepare interim exemptions and modifications to support the transition and minimize the negative effects on HC14 class racing activities that the current class rules and the implementation of the updated rules may have. Stay tuned.
Under provision of IHCA Council approval and following endorsement from World Sailing, the changes proposals to HC14 Rule 3.4 and 3.5 may be expected to go into effect as of April 1st, 2025.

Finally, it has been great to witness the dedication and engagement shown during the comment period.
Thank you all for taking the time supporting the class rule change process. Helpful and much appreciated.

Erik Olsen
IHCA Rules Committee Chair

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