Comment period results: Hobie General Rule 10, Hobie 14 Rule 5.1 c) and Hobie 16 Rule 6.1 c) change proposals

Dear class members,

The comment period on the Hobie General Rule 10, Hobie 14 Rule 5.1 c) and Hobie 16 Rule 6.1 c) change proposals was launched on December 9th, 2024, with a deadline of January 13th, 2025.


Hobie General Rule 10.2 (44 members voted)

YES 45,4%

NO 41,0%


Hobie 14 Rule 5.1 c) (44 members voted)

YES 54,5%

NO 27,3%


Hobie 16 Rule 6.1 c) (44 members voted)

YES 59,1%

NO 22,7%


Click here for the full text of the proposals.

We appreciate very much the members who took the time to vote and comment. The feedback provides an important outset for the remaining part of the class rule change process.

Our usual policy is to publish the comments received along with the voting results. However, in this case, the IHCA Executive Committee has decided to deviate from the standard procedure as some of the comments were not related to the proposed rule changes but to topics outside the scope of the Rules Committee. When commenting on rule updates, we ask sailors to comment on the proposed rule to assist the Rules Committee in writing the rules the members require for our one-design racing. Nevertheless, the comments outside the scope have not been made in vain as they will be shared with the relevant parties for them to consider and act on.

Constructive feedback on the new Hobie General Rule 10.2 has revealed that the proposal needs to be clarified before implementation.

The proposed changes to Hobie 14 Rule 5.1 c) and Hobie 16 Rule 6.1 c) need minor adjustment/precision before they can be ready for the continued process, though the rules’ intent will remain unchanged.

Under the provision of IHCA Council approval and following endorsement from World Sailing, the change proposals to new Hobie General Rule 10.2, Hobie 14 Rule 5.1 c) and Hobie 16 Rule 6.1 c) may be expected to go into effect around June 1st, 2025.

We have noted your dedication and engagement during the comment period. Thank you very much for participating in the class rule change process. Your input is acknowledged and highly valued.

Erik Olsen
IHCA Rules Committee Chair

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