Coronavirus (COVID-19) Guidance for Event Organizers for the Protection of the Health of Athletes (updated 29th May)

World Sailing’s Medical Commission are in close communication with the World Health Organisation (WHO), the IOC Medical and Scientific Commission Games Group and public health experts. They continue to monitor the development of this outbreak, advised countermeasures and make qualified decisions

The Medical Commission have produced an extensive document titled, ‘Coronavirus (COVID-19) Guidance for Event Organizers for the Protection of the Health of Athletes’.

I’ll take this opportunity to thank the Medical Commission for their support and guidance during this period and wish them well in their day jobs to support the general public.

As government restrictions are eased there are four elements of a safe return to sport:

  • Plan: Implementing plans, processes and systems to meet government and health requirements, and provide safe sport environments.
  • Prepare: Ensuring safe facility and participant practices, like hygiene practices, attendance registers attendance registers at all club activities and limiting shared equipment as much as possible.
  • Respond: Being prepared for management of a COVID-19 outbreak, noting things can change quickly in your local area.
  • Recover: Consideration of protocols to optimise good public and participant health into the future.

As Public Health Orders are being amended and restrictions eased, it is important to recognise that there is still a health crisis. COVID-19 is still classified as a pandemic, and we need to remain vigilant to protect the health of the sailing community.

World Sailing Q&A COVID 19 regulations at events
World Sailing Guidance to Event Organizers for the Protection of the Health of Sailing Communities Ver 2.3 2nd May 2020
COVID-19 Risk Assessment Tool (WHO)
Sample Personal Location Form
World Health Organisation COVID-19 Advice 
How find and break the chains of transmission (WHO)
COVID 19 Sports MG Risk Assessment Matrix (WHO)
COVID-19 Decision Tree (WHO)
Gowrie Risk Report: COVID-19 Risk Management & Best Practices for Sailing Organizations
Return to competition planing  
Sample Regatta and Non‐Regatta Waiver Templates Word document 
Sample Regatta and Non‐Regatta Waiver Templates PDF
COVID-19 Virus: Cleaning & Storing your Life Jackets
Australian Sailing return to sailing 

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