Hobie, fleets 340 Costa Pontina – Astura Bay, 383 Terracina and 808 Pescara long distance 2-day race

Hobie Raid 2024 43

THE ROUTE DE L’ODYSSE’E, “THE” Sailing Raid HOBIEctively fantastic with 32 boats

The Raid from the point of view of the Commodore of the 808 Fleet of Pescara

Dear Hobie sailors, I begin this article by taking inspiration from what I wrote to my Hobie Fleet 808’s associates on Monday upon returning to the office. Instead of starting to work on tax obligations, I must give due recognition to the magnificent work done by my friend Mario, “deux ex machina” of the event, and his very active staff.

Good morning 808’s, and have a good week yesterday. DAY 2 Raid LA ROUTE DE L’ODYSSE’E tough: after the day on Saturday with very little wind (some areas calm) with endless tacking and sometimes towed for the regrouping of the fleet, yesterday our cat it covered approximately 30 miles in 3 hours, the speed of the GPS boat was never below 8 knots, the maximum speed measured in infinite planning (almost single hull) was 16.8 knots at full reach. Wonderful scenery among the islands to aim for the enormous Monte Circeo of San Felice, then the fleet divided at the luff towards the east for the group of the circles of San Felice Circeo+Terracina+Sperlonga, at rest towards the west for the Marina group of Latina, Torvaianica and the large one of Anzio (n.b.: those heading to Anzio travelled about 50 miles, perhaps more). Some critical situations yesterday: exit from the port of Ponza with strong winds, chaos with slalom between small boats/inflatable boats, moored boats with inflatable boats helping the yachts to moor, entering and exiting, scheduled ferries…. all in a sea boiling with crossed waves and violent gusts, some crews who initially did not want to rig, fearful of capsize, questioning the departure (some crews then did not leave and remained on land), scheduled ferry ( for all companions) for the nearest Terracina who did not go because he did not arrive from that place but instead the one for the more distant Formia left.

Some cats have and do some very minor damage, immediately stopped by the islanders for the “CID” for their redress; we immediately risked a capsize with a very violent gust at the exit of the port (a capsize in the centre of the port), then pure adrenaline in Hobie Way of Lifestyle, marvellous but very tough.

I moved away from the chaotic traffic of the port and gained confidence, all full power on planning. The crew (we took turns at the helm, but I did most of the steering) Commodore Mario, with his VHF, which acted as a radio link in proper coordination with the assistance boats, was often contacted by the Port Authority-Coast Guard, Guardia di Finanza, Circomare Terracine and Ponza for capsizes of cats and related communications of their waypoints.

Summary: There were some breakages for some cats, but with their very small damages, they continued, a more delicate situation due to a 180° capsize near Mount Circeo with damage to a sixteen-assisted boat and consequent towing on the beaches of the beautiful dunes of Sabaudia in front of top villas.

Final crew party on a smaller scale (awards ceremony postponed to the following Sunday 16 June at 5.30 pm) because many crews are still absent as written. Unforgettable experience for everyone, many crews locals had this dream to realize, but without assistance, overnight stays in Ponza which were very difficult to find, always full on weekends, various authorizations, no one would have ever organized something similar if not the LEGENDARY Mario, who has worked for the event since September last year from an idea/provocation of mine to repeat what I had done on the adventure (totally crazy, without cell phones, without waterproof bags and without assistance) with a group of 6 Hobie 16 in August 1992 (for those who want to read my article in the HISTORY OF THE 808 FLEET OF PESCARA

https://www.associazioneitalianahobiecat.it/flotta-808-pescara/ in the TWELFTH CHAPTER: THE RAID OF THE PONTINO ARCHIPELAGO). Hats off to Mario for the “almost” perfect organization with dialogues/meetings/web calls in group chat staff organizers since the beginning of the year. The twinning between the Hobie Cat fleets present is perfect: 340 Costa Pontina – Astura Bay, the 383 Terracina and the 808 Pescara in the full spirit of the HOBIE WAY OF LIFE!E!

These are JUST some of the final comments in the raid WhatsApp group chat:

Matteo: “@Mario Pastore, thank you for the wonderful initiative of the Raid. Having frequented Ponza for many years, it was a dream I had had for some time. A heartfelt thank you to the Riviera di Ulisse club and to all the people who assisted us during these days on land and with the support boats, for the time and resources they wanted to dedicate to us. And finally, thanks also to the Guardia di Finanza for their precious assistance.”

Lucifer 666: “I wanted to thank all the organizers for the wonderful experience, which being the first edition I think was perfect, just to review a few things…. As far as I’m concerned we will be present at 100×100 again next year if it happens again. ”

Enrico: “To Mario, I have an idea: but will we do another one in September? How to ruin your summer… Of course I’m joking and out of solidarity with all the organizers it can’t be done! But I’m sure that good numbers will come out next year! Thanks again to all the organizers and all the participants!”

Finally mine, Sunday evening 9 June:

“Goodnight to all the participants of the LEGENDARY SAILING RAID! As soon as I returned to the base in Pescara, I renew my most sincere compliments to Mario Pastore and all his staff (friends and otherwise) for the excellent organization of the event. To Majora, great Commodore Mario….
with affection Sandro”.

more of my shots:
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Italian Newspaper article 


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