Hobie Multi Worlds and Europeans 2023

Hobie Multi worlds and Europeans 2023

Dear Hobie sailors,

We are thrilled to finally announce the final dates for the Hobie Multi-Class events that will be held in Cesenatico (Italy) from the 11th to the 21st of July 2023.

The event will be organized in conjunction with IHCA, EHCA, Italian Association, and Circolo Vela Cesenatico.

For the Hobie Cat 16 it will be our annual European Championship separated as follow:
Youth fleet: 12-15th July
Masters: 14-15th July
Spi Cup: 14-15th July
Open Qualification: 16-17th July
Open Finals: 18-21st July

For the Hobie Cat 14 and Dragoon we will have a World Championship as follow:
Dragoon: 12-15th July
Hobie 14: 18-21 July

More news will come soon and will be published on all our channels.

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