Hobie World Cat 2017 in Sylt: ingredients for Hobie Spirit. French overview.

Since the French National Championships in Châtelaillon-Plage this past June, we were sure that the Hobie spirit was still alive. The Hobie World Cat organized in Sylt by Pro Sail last week has shown that it is still powerful. What are ingredients of such success? Let’s try to see….

Countries in all parts of the globe were represented: Australia, United States, Brazil, Canada, South Africa, and Europe with Netherland, Germany, Denmark and France. A wealth of different cultures turned towards one hobby: Hobie Cat 16. 9 teams who have breakfast, lunch and dinner together during 6 days, and who sail together all days.

Between all them, a strong friendliness to know each other better, to know more about sailing conditions in their own country, to discover other habits of sailing (compass, intuition…), to create a proximity that will last the week…or more!

Furthermore, organizers and staff take care of sailors from the moment they touch the island until they leave. They provide food, housing, boats, great looking sails they do by their own, and days with no sailing they make a program to show sailors some great parts of the island. To perfect the event, the race committee and the safety team are at the top of professionalism.

When the time comes to sail, mutual aid becomes obvious between sailors to move boats on the beach or to put boats on the water. After beach finish and between races, sailors discuss together in a natural way.

On the sea, the challenge is full swing!…But always by taking care of each other and by sailing responsibly. Mentality is not to challenge only in order to win, but to challenge in order to win, to have fun and to make the show for all spectators on the beach who are looking for sailors and who take part to the event by encouraging their favourite country. The support of these anonymous, their applause and cheering, create a competition even more intense. It is a kind of game in which competition becomes a real fantastic moment, regardless of weather conditions or ranking.

The week ends with a sailors’ dinner made in simplicity, to reinforce the unique and kind atmosphere of the event.

This is a quite lesson of respect and Hobie spirit for all sailors across the world. A spirit totally connected with the ocean, peace, fun and sailing.

In France, we hope to create such state of mind for the Challenge Hobie Cat 2018 that will take place next year. Of course, it will take another format and another scale that a 6 days competition between 9 teams, but we hope to ensure among sailors and during regattas the same respect and friendship.

The French Challenge Hobie Cat 2018 will be hold at a national level and supported by a dozen of sailing clubs on the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea. Every sailors will be welcome to participate!

…See you soon on the French Hobie Class Association website for more information!

Adélie Pomade
President of the French Hobie Class Association (AFHC)

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