How do I enter my Hobie Crew for the 23rd Hobie 16 Worlds?

Hobie 16 China

It is important that the crew fill out the entry form for privacy and liability.

If you know your crew details please enter them as soon as possible. We need to know so we can order apparel, catering, etc. We want everyone to enjoy the full Hobie Worlds experience. 

It is a condition of entry that the crews be financial members of Hobie Class. If your crew is not a member of the Hobie class, we recommend you contact your local Hobie Association and purchase the membership.

The only way Crew can be added to a Skipper’s entry is for the Skipper to submit the Crew’s details: Name and email address. There is no direct link that can be sent or visited without the Skipper first submitting the Add Crew form. Having the Skipper submit the Crew’s information is the only way we are able to link the Skipper and Crew as a team and it all depends on the encrypted, stored data on the Skipper’s entry form.

There are a few ways the Skipper can supply those details:

1. At the bottom of the Skipper’s entry form is an option to add Crew. It asks for the Crew’s name and email address. If this part is filled out, an email notification is sent to the indicated Crew with the appropriate links (the link can only be found in the email notification sent to you).
Skipper With Crew Form2. If the Skipper does not add Crew at the end of their entry form, the Skipper receives an email notification for them to access another form (the link can only be found in the email notification sent to you) with the appropriate links. All the Skipper needs to do is supply the Crew’s details: Name and email address. When this form is filled out, an email notification is sent to the indicated Crew with the appropriate links.
Skipper No Crew Form

If you don’t see the email please check your email spam/junk folder as sometimes these emails end up in those folders.

The other option is for the skipper to log into their account

Then when the skipper logs in to their account and goes to the ORDERS tab they will see this when they didn’t add the Crew when they registered or their Crew has not responded with their [Crew] details:

Orders Crew

This is what a Skipper’s order status looks like when their nominated Crew respond to requests for thier [Crew] details:
Orders No Crew

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