Hobie Multi Worlds and Europeans 2023

Hobie Multi worlds and Europeans 2023

Dear Hobie sailors, We are thrilled to finally announce the final dates for the Hobie Multi-Class events that will be held in Cesenatico (Italy) from the 11th to the 21st of July 2023. The event will be organized in conjunction with IHCA, EHCA, Italian Association, and Circolo Vela Cesenatico. For the Hobie Cat 16 it […]

How do I enter my Hobie Crew for the 23rd Hobie 16 Worlds?

Hobie 16 China

It is important that the crew fill out the entry form for privacy and liability. If you know your crew details please enter them as soon as possible. We need to know so we can order apparel, catering, etc. We want everyone to enjoy the full Hobie Worlds experience.  It is a condition of entry […]

The IHCA has important news to share on our broadcast

Hear the latest news on the 23rd Hobie 16 World Championships. Want to know more about the 23rd Hobie 16 worlds event boat? What is happening in the IHCA? Find out live on the broadcast. Can’t make it at that time. Then you will be able to watch at your leisure on the above link.

Robberg Fine Foods Classic Beach Regatta

Hobie 16 Rsa Beach Regatta7

Robberg Fine Foods Classic Beach Regatta was the selection for the South African Hobie 16 sailors to the 23rd Hobie 16 World Championships. With torrential rain on Thursday night and a 40 knot South Easter Gale on Friday followed by almost no wind on Saturday and Sunday we had it all. Kevin Allen was unable […]

Accommodation for the 23rd Hobie 16 World Championships is OPEN

Aerea Parcelas Norte 1200x520

23rd Hobie 16 World Championship accommodation booking is now open. The 23rd Hobie 16 World Championships accommodation at the host resort, Camping Bungalow Resort & Spa La Ballena Alegre Costa Brava is now available to be booked at the 23rd Hobie Worlds website. The Hobie Company and the event host have proceeded with the roll-out […]

23rd Hobie 16 World Championships entries open (prequalified entries open end of the month)

Hobie Multieuropeans Hobie 16 Gold Fleet Final Day . 130

In November, we released the Notice of Race, and now entry to the 23rd Hobie 16 World Championships is now open to all disciplines with the exception of the prequalified, which will open on the 23rd December 2021. The prequalified entries will open at a later date as we are waiting for some of the regions […]

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