Girl Power, Hobie 16 training for girls only

Girl Power on Hobie 16

SPECIAL TRAINING EVENT… ‘GIRL POWER’ – HOBIE 16 TEACHING Part 1…Thursday 22nd July from 5:30pm. Part 2… Saturday 14th August from 9:30am. Dear all, We are delighted you to let you know that top Hobie women sailors Elsa and Chloe Swetenham are running a H16 Teach In for Girls only (no men allowed!) Interestingly there […]

2021 Hobie 17 North American Championships

Hobie 17

The 2021 Hobie 17 North American Championships will be at Washington Park Beach, Michigan City,Indiana (on Lake Michigan) September 8-12. September 8th will be the registration and check in. Notice of Race  Online entry 

Talking Hobies, How to enjoy your first Hobie regatta

For many it is a daunting task to enter your first Hobie Regatta. I don’t anything about racing. I don’t know any of the rules. I don’t know how to enter. In fact I don’t even know where to find my nearest Hobie Regatta. In this episode of Talking Hobie Rich, Mark and Sheila discuss, […]

Hobie Raid 2021 Pescara, Hobie Fleet 808

Hobie 16 Raid Pescara 2021

HOBIE FLEET 808 WAY OF LIFE NUMBER ONE! For the Hobie catters of the Pescara 808 fleet, it is one of the most awaited events. The raid is always perceived as a social and pleasant race. Moving on to more playful than competitive activities, everyone wants to camp on the tents mounted directly on the […]

Savills Channel Islands Hobie Cat Championships

Hobie Channel Islands banner

This year is a special one as it’s the 30th Anniversary and a large turnout of around 30 Hobie Cats are expected to compete in three Hobie classes, the Hobie 18’s, Wildcats and Tigers. Hobie 16’s and Juniors racing Hobie Dragoons. There are also trophies for Youth, Women’s and Masters in the Hobie 16 class. […]

2021 Hobie 16 North America Championships

Hobie 16 North American Championships Day 5

The 2021 Hobie 16 North America Championships is being conducted by the Ocean Springs Yacht Club: June 5 to 11, 2021. Entries were down slightly due to the travel restrictions and the friends from Canada unable to attend. Though 45 Hobie 16 teams lined up to join the Hobie fun. Being a qualifier for the […]

Catamaran Spanish Cup (Hobie 16)

2021 Hobie Spanish Cup

The Catamaran Spanish Cup is the 2nd most important for catamaran sailors in Spain. The Hobie 16 has its own division in the Catamaran Spanish Cup. The team of Marc Jovani and Marta Porta (CN Cullera) won the Spanish Cup and will take the trophy back to Cullera. After six races of nine scheduled they […]

25 skippers under 14 years old enjoy Hobie sailing at Shimay Bay

Hobie Family Regatta; Shimay Bay, Wanning, China

There were 25 skippers under 14 years old sailing with their parent(s) on Hobie T2. These young sailors were Optimist sailors and they had two months’ practice with Hobie T2.They just love sailing Hobies.

Rich and Daniel on Talking Hobies

Rich and Daniel Bjornholt talking hobies

Rich McVeigh interviews the 2016 Hobie 16 World Champion Daniel Bjornholt Christensen on Hobie sailing, training and tips for improving your game. With Daniel’s crew, Thomas Faurbye discuss all aspects of Hobie sailing. Thomas is new to sailing and gives his impressions of Hobie sailing and the Hobie Way of Life. Daniel gives a wonderful […]

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