Hobie Cat Regatta Pescara; Italy

Hobie Regatta Pescara Italy 1

Multiclass Hobie Cat Regatta Pescara; Italy: winners and results of the three days of racing. 29 April – 1 May 2023 PESCARA – Bittersweet balance for the three days of regattas for the Hobie sailors engaged in the National Multiclass Stage which took place in Pescara under the organization of Mauro Di Feliciantonio and his […]

Mario Dubeux from Brazil explains his tuning tips on a Hobie 16

Mario Dubeux

Mario Dubeux expands his Hobie 16 tuning tips with the measurements used to get his Hobie 16 fast. As the video is in Brazilian Portuguese to translate click on the “Settings” icon, select “Subtitles/CC,” and then click “Auto Translate.” A list of languages you can translate into will be displayed.

Starting Line Sailing new Hobie manufacturer site visit

Sls Factory20

Believe Returning from a ski trip to New England, Carol and I took the opportunity to visit Starting Line Sailing’s manufacturing facility in Rhode Island, USA. Starting Line Sailing (SLS) is the parent company of West Coast Sailing, Zim Sailing, Dwyer Mast and Rigging and now Hobie Sailboats. Starting Line Sailing entered into a long-term […]

The Hobie 16 Western Australian Championship

Hobie 16 Western Australia Champs 2023 14

The Hobie 16 Western Australian Championship was completed recently at The Cruising Yacht Club of Western Australia. With 4 teams that finished in the top 10 at the recent Hobie 16 Worlds including the current Hobie 16 World Champions Cam Owen and Susan Ghent. With Paddy Butler who crewed for his dad Mick at the […]

The Alley Cats: Australian Women in Hobie Sailing, International Women’s Day

Hobie 16 Women Sailors

To celebrate International Women’s Day what better way than to reproduce this article from some Australian Women Hobie sailors? The article was written by two teenage sisters (Haylie and Carmen Andrews) who went on to the podium at the 2022 Hobie 16 Women’s World Championships. On this day we honour all women on International Women’s […]

Colourful and fast in the Hobie 16 fleet as WA turns on some great conditions.

Hobie 16 Western Australia Champs 2023 13

What a weekend it was in Perth for the 2023 Hobie 16 WA State Championships. This was the 46th Western Australian Hobie 16 Championships and is still going strong. The racing was close, fast, and exciting and the Hobie 16’s certainly put on a great show with the course taking the full length of the […]

Ready to start registration at the Hobie Multiworlds & Europeans 2023!!

News 03

Notice of Race, registration form, and all the important information is available on the official website at these links: Notice of Race Online Entry Please remember the program foreseen for the event: July 11 Welcome on board July 12-15 Dragoon & Hobie Cat 16 Youth July 14-15 Hobie Cat Master & SPI Cup July 16-17 […]

Does IHCA need a full time employed Executive Director?


Does IHCA need a full time employed Executive Director? A rather relevant question since it is no secret the main portion of the IHCA budget actually goes to the employment of an Executive Director. To put things a bit in perspective we can tell our Executive Director, David Brookes, typically works 40-50 hours a week […]

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