2020 Hobie Italian Youth and Multiclass Championships confirmed

As the Italian Hobie Cat Association we have worked and are continuing to work closely with the National Italian Sailing Federation (FIV), with the Clubs, with the Fleets and with the coaches to bring home the most important events of 2020.

The first, the one we all wish to sail by all of us, is the Italian Hobie Cat Multiclass Championship with this year, exceptionally, will take place simultaneously with the FIV Youth Double Championships in Pescara 3-6 September for the youth and 4-6 September for the open Hobie Cat 16, Wild Cat and Tiger.

Following the racing with be the Hobe Class AGM to elect a board for the four-year term, 2021-24. It is important that anyone wishing to apply to become part of it must submit their application via email to the Class secretariat (info@associazioneitalianahobiecat.it) by August 30th. The current members of the Board of Directors will automatically be considered as candidates for the new four-year period as long as they comply with the membership fee and unless they resign.

More information to be found at their web site

Notice of Race

I hope to see you all at the Pescara Championship!

Have a Hobie Way of Life
Domenico de Toro

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