Amendment to Notice of Race to the Hobie 16 World Championships Number 5

Amendment to Notice of Race Number 5

12th August 2019


At registration competitors are required to bring any crew corrector weights if required to meet class minimum crew weight as verified by the official championship’s scales.

Competitors shall also bring their life jacket/PFD that complies with IHCA General Class Rule 8.1 to the registration for inspection.

This changes Notice of Race

Schedule of 2019 Championship Registrations
The Registration Office will be Open as Follows:

To clarify the change to the Notice of Race
IHCA General Class Rule 8.1

The boat shall be equipped with a personal flotation device (PFD)/life jacket at the correct weight category for each crew member to the minimum standard ISO 12402-5 (CE 50 Newtons), or USCG Type III, or Level 50 (previously AUS PFD 2) or Level 50S (previously AUS PFD 3). The IHCA strongly recommends that life jackets or PFDs be worn at all times.

 Crew weights are defined in IHCA General Class Rule 17 and IHCA Hobie 16 Rule 7

 Full IHCA Class Rules can be found at

All the new on the 22nd Hobie 16 Worlds can be found at our web site 

All notice to competitors can be found here

The full wording to championships registration

Schedule of 2019 Championship Registrations


1st November 2019 all sailors welcome


Teams must register on site during the times indicated. *
Failure to do so will result in the entry being awarded to another team or entry may not be accepted.
1st Nov 10:00 – 16:00 Hobie 16 Masters
5th Nov 10:00 – 16:00 Hobie 16 Great Grand Masters (limited availability)
Hobie 16 Grand Masters (limited availability)
Hobie 16 Women (limited availability)
Hobie 16 Youth (limited availability)
8th Nov 13:00 – 16:00 Hobie 16 Open Qualifiers (limited availability)
10th Nov 10:00 – 16:00 Pre-qualified teams seeded for Hobie 16 Open Semi-Finals
*Schedule is subject to change. Teams must register on site during the times indicated. Failure to do so will result in the entry being awarded to another team

At registration competitors are required to bring any crew corrector weights if required to meet class minimum crew weight as verified by the official championship’s scales.

Competitors shall also bring their life jacket/PFD that complies with IHCA General Class Rule 8.1 to the registration for inspection.

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