March 2022 President’s Blog

Wheel Bearing

Ski season is winding down and sailing season is coming. As some of you know, my winter thing is working as a ski patroller at our local hill. I really enjoy the emergency medical component of ski patrol and helping people who are having a bad day. This past weekend, I was home and it was snowing, Jason Sanchez (North American region chair) called me and asked what I do when it’s snowing? (Jason lives in Florida, so he knows about alligators but not so much about snow.) I explained that we mostly stay home when it’s snowing as the roads are so bad you can’t really go anywhere far.

Seeing how I was at home and that I don’t really idle well I needed something to do so I decided it was time to tackle the trailer bearings. The boat and trailer were in the garage so despite the weather it was a viable project. Cleaning and repacking the trailer bearings is one of my preseason rituals, I do it every year. I know some of you might say that is overkill but this is one of the things my father taught me years ago and I continue to do it every year. I have traveled hundreds of thousands of miles towing Hobie’s and have had plenty of flat tires but never a bearing problem so I figure I am doing something right. I also very much like avoiding having “drama” while traveling. OK, there was that time my transmission melted down in Iowa but that was an outlier. Really traveling is part of the adventure.

After a few hours of work, the trailer is ready for the season now. The boat will come out of the garage in a couple of weeks. Sailing season in the Northern hemisphere starts soon.


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