2025 – 2028 Racing Rules of Sailing

World Sailing Logo

The 2025- 2028 Racing Rules of Sailing (RRS) have now been published by World Sailing. These will come into effect on 1 January 2025. The 2025-2028 Equipment Rules of Sailing (ERS) have also been published by World Sailing. These will come into effect on 1 January 2025. These new rules and the current 2021-2024 Racing […]

Last Italian National Event before European Championship

Last Italian National Event 2024 14

Cesenatico and Congrega Velisti, a winning combination… excellent hospitality, great food, lots of pampering, and good winds. The last national Hobie Cat event before the European Championship featured three classes and 28 crews. On Saturday, the sun and winds between 10 and 15 knots allowed for four races to take place. On Sunday, the cloudy […]

Hobie, fleets 340 Costa Pontina – Astura Bay, 383 Terracina and 808 Pescara long distance 2-day race

Hobie Raid 2024 43

THE ROUTE DE L’ODYSSE’E, “THE” Sailing Raid HOBIEctively fantastic with 32 boats The Raid from the point of view of the Commodore of the 808 Fleet of Pescara SATURDAY 8, AND SUNDAY 9 JUNE 2024 Dear Hobie sailors, I begin this article by taking inspiration from what I wrote to my Hobie Fleet 808’s associates […]

Channel Islands Hobie Cat Championships – Saturday 29th & Sunday 30th June.

Hobie 16 Start

Entries are open for the 33rd Channel Islands Hobie Cat Championships, being held in the beautiful sailing arena of St. Aubin’s Bay at the end of the month. The event is hosted by the Royal Channel Islands Yacht Club and sponsored by Savills Estate Agents for the 6th year running. Around 30 boats are expected […]

Hobie North Adriatic Cup (Nation Regatta for Italian and Austrian Championship)

Hobie North Adriatic Cup 2024 1

The second edition of the Hobie North Adriatic Cup ended on June 2nd. Despite the uncertain and, at times, unfavourable weather, five races were held, which confirmed the event’s validity as a national regatta for Italy and as a national championship for Austria. The Italian crew of Gini-Orsolini won the event, second place went to […]

Channel Islands Hobie Cat Championships – Saturday 29Th & Sunday 30Th June.

C19506 Rciyc Hobie Cat Poster A4 1 1(2)

Entries are open for the 33rd Channel Islands Hobie Cat Championships, which will be held at the end of June in the beautiful sailing arena of St Aubins Bay, Jersey. The Royal Channel Islands Yacht Club hosts the event, which is sponsored by Savills Estate Agents for the sixth year running. Registration, weigh-in, and a […]

Third Hobie Cat National Regatta took place in Bracciano

Italian Hobie Cat National Regatta,2

The Italian Hobie Cat National Regatta, a significant event in the sailing community, was successfully organized by the Yacht Club Bracciano Est in Bracciano on the first weekend of May. The event drew a large crowd, with 42 boats competing across 3 classes, Hobie Cat 16 Spi, Hobie Dragoon, and Hobie Cat 14, with the […]

48th Vele di Pasqua with 12 Hobie Cat 14

Vele Di Pasqua Hobie Cat 14 6

And again, Cesenatico hosted the Vele di Pasqua Regatta for the 48th time. If two years ago, for the first time, there were only 6 participants with the #HobieCat14, this year there were 12 boats with few last-minute dropouts that reduced the number of participants. Despite this, the event was a great success, thanks also […]

Twist Toggle REMINDER – update

Hobiecat Twist Toggle 20210000

Responses and questions to our original post published March 23, 2024, revealed some uncertainty on which boats are required to sail with twist toggles. Mainly because General Hobie Class Rule 15.2 is not very specific, and we should have been clearer in our communication. In addition, we also said, “The rule applies to all Hobie […]

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