WildWind Sailing Holidays and Joyrider TV wish you a Merry Christmas

Wildwind Joyridertv Christmas

On behalf of the entire Wildwind team, Joe wishes you a very Merry Christmas and all the best for 2024! Can’t think of an excellent New Year’s resolution? This one’s easy! Subscribe to Joe’s JoyRider TV YouTube channel and, while you’re at it, subscribe to the Wildwind YouTube channel as well! Do it right now, […]

The Speed Stick Competition

Sailing Catamaran Speed Competition Hobiecat Hobie

Yes, that’s right, there’s a competition going on right now. It’s running throughout the year at every sailing venue on the planet. I’m talking about the Speed Stick competition from Joyrider TV. It’s just about sailing fast. Here’s how it works: When you go sailing, take a GPS device with you whether it’s a watch, […]

Wildwind Holidays and YouTube channel Joyrider TV conclude powerful sponsorship deal

Wildwind With Logo

David Brookes Executive Director of the International Hobie Class was delighted to announce the partnership between Wildwind Holidays and the YouTube channel Joyrider TV. During the discussions, David mentioned, this was more than a sponsorship arrangement but a partnership between three organisations that have the Hobie Class and Hobie sailor’s best interests at heart. Simon […]

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