4th Mexican Hobie 16 National Championships

On the 24, 25 and 26 of May, the Mexican Hobie Cat Fleet celebrated their 4th National Championship in the Club Nautico San Gaspar del Lago, located in Valle de Bravo, Mexico.

In this occasion, the most important guest of all, the wind, made his weak appearance, constantly changing, making predictions and readings hard for all competitors.

Friday 24th, after the two regatas races that day, the fleet enjoyed delicious artisan sausages, craft beer, and each other’s company. Following, the class had their Annual Assembly, finishing the meeting with the annual ranking class awards of 2019:

1- Ernesto Reader
2- Fernando Fisicaro
3- Mario Escobosa
4- Yvan Duez
5- Armando Noriega

On Saturday 25th, the fleet was able to complete 2 regatas, and the later shared lunch, accompanied by a live music band, followed by the raffle.

Finally, Sunday 26, the fleet was able to complete the last 3 regatas of the championship. Following the team got together to have lunch, followed by the award ceremony, where the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place of the classes A, B and C, receive their awards and recognition.

(see results)

As previous years, it was an incredible and successful event, where the Hobie Cat fleet not only competed and had fun, but also spent time among friends. We invite you to join us for next year! For more information visit:

Web: http://www.hobiecat.org.mx
Facebook: Hobie Cat 16 Mexico
Instagram: hobiecat_mexico

4º Campeonato Nacional
Hobie Cat México

Los pasados viernes 24, sábado 25 y domingo 26 de mayo, la flota de Hobie Cat en México, se dio cita en las instalaciones del Club Náutico San Gaspar del Lago, en Valle de Bravo México, para celebrar su 4º Campeonato Nacional 2019.

En esta ocasión, nuestro anfitrión especial, el viento, fue muy leve, cambiante y difícil de leer durante todo el campeonato

El viernes 24, después de las dos regatas realizadas, tuvimos una deliciosa comida con salchichas y cerveza artesanal, para posteriormente tener la Asamblea Anual de la clase, y finalizar el día otorgando los reconocimientos a los 5 primeros ligares del ranking anual 2019:

1.- Ernesto Raeder
2.- Fernando Fisicaro
3.- Mario Escobosa
4.- Yvand Duez
5.- Armando Noriega

El sábado 25, igualmente se realizaron 2 regatas y posteriormente se tuvo una comida, amenizada con un grupo de música en vivo y una gran rifa

Finalmente, el domingo 26, se realizaron las ultimas 3 regatas del campeonato y finalizo el evento con la entrega de los reconocimientos a los primeros lugares de las clases A, B y C

(ver resultados)

Como siempre, fue un evento de gran éxito y camaradería de la flota Hobie Cat México. Los esperamos el año que entra, más información:

Web: http://www.hobiecat.org.mx
Facebook: Hobie Cat 16 Mexico
Instagram: hobiecat_mexico

Annual ranking winners

1st Place Ernesto Raeder
2nd Place Fernando Fisicaro
3rd place Mario Escobosa
4th place Yvan Duez
Top 4





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