With lots of sadness and tears at my house, I wanted to report on the passing of member of the Hobie family, Sandra Tartaglino.
I received a phone call within hours of the incident yesterday but felt it was best to wait and be sure the family was notified and we had more details before making any statement. After a night without much sleep, I had to go to and work and many have already expressed their condolences. The US F18 class in particular posted a touching statement, that I can’t top but on the behalf of the Hobie class perhaps I can share some remembrances.
Sandra died in a boating accident doing something she loved, racing her sailboat. While competing in the New England 100 on her F18 she was struck by a motorboat. It was a senseless and tragic accident that has us all saying “why”. She structured her life around sailboat racing and was active in a number of classes, F18, Nacra 17, Hobie 16 and Snipe. She was a person who always seemed happy and never had a bad word to say, as you can guess she had many friends. Sandra would call all her friends at Christmas. She didn’t really use social media; instead she got to know you in person.
Sandra was an avid practitioner of yoga. She doted on her nieces and nephews, she made quilts, and in the sailing world she stitched up people’s harnesses, life jackets and trampolines. She gave you her full attention when you were talking and in many ways, she also stitched up whatever was on our minds and our hearts.
We will miss her.
Details regarding the funeral will be posted when we receive them.
Rich McVeigh
Photo credit Mike Walker